
Global Optimization with navOptimize

Optimization based on analogous models / Surrogate Based Optimization (SBO) in multidimensional parameter spaces

Surrogate Based Optimization (SBO)

Find the Best Parameter Combination – in the Shortest Time!

Surrogate based optimization enables short turnaround times within your development process. The necessary simulations can be carried out completely in parallel and subsequently reused for a change in the target function.

Based on the surrogate, the expected improvement is evaluated at each iteration in order to select new, promising parameter combinations. Its mathematical characteristics produce a favorable balance between exploration and exploitation and prevent an unnecessarily large number of samples at putative optima.

What is navOptimize?

The application navOptimize facilitates the simple conduction of a global optimization search. The integrated core functionality encompasses the generation of a static DoE, adaptive sampling and surrogate based optimization strategies. Furthermore, navOptimize is equipped with an interface for the automated generation, submission and evaluation of simulation cases, and is capable of monitoring the simulation and optimization process for different queuing systems.

Thanks to this functionality, navOptimize can also be used to efficiently and comfortably generate the database for the interactive design tool.

Furthermore, navOptimize can be operated as a stand-alone application or integrated into an existing simulation process.

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